Breathwork Science
The Science Of Breathing
In this section, you will find helpful information with a scientific basis regarding breathwork and specifically Transformational Breath®.
Transformational Breath® significantly improves oxygen capacity in respiratory patients.
Research conducted in a Reggio Emilia, Italy, hospital found that twelve respiratory patients (COPD) were given a series of ten Transformational Breath® sessions. The oxygen capacity was increased on average from 65 to 85%. Physical, mental, and emotional symptoms decreased dramatically as well. (Tamborelli, Bergamini, Giammarchi, Ruffoni).
Download the PDF file (in Italian).Transformational Breath® brings a Significant Increase in Well-being
Facilitator Helmut Pfeil of Austria conducted a study that found 57% of subjects reporting a "significant increase in well-being after a 6-session protocol". The research used a series of standard health questionnaires (SF-36 and FEW-16) to assess feelings at baseline, after 3rd session, and after the full six sessions.
Transformational Breath® and Performance Anxiety
Dr. Pippa Wheble, a Certified Transformational Breath Trainer, led a study that provides evidence that Transformational Breath helps improve generalized anxiety, social anxiety, music performance anxiety, depression, and well-being and reduces physiological measures of anxiety in professional voice users.
Cognitive Research & Transformational Breath®.
Ayca Szapora Ozturk of the Netherlands completed peer-reviewed research on cognition related to meditation types. It involved Transformational Breath® and found that even a half-hour session enhanced "divergent thinking"; this is associated with creativity, finding alternative solutions to a problem, original thinking, and generating new ideas.
Tumour hypoxia causes DNA hypermethylation by reducing TET activity
Oxygen Benefit on Cancer Prevention.
Hypoxia (low oxygen) directly inhibits tumor-suppressor gene activity. The authors state that oxygen is an important co-factor in preventing hypermethylation of "TET enzymes," thus preventing cancer by reversing such gene expression.
Breath Training and Panic Disorder.Recovery of Percent Vital Capacity by Breathing Training in Patients With Panic Disorder and Impaired Diaphragmatic Breathing
Recovery of Percent Vital Capacity by Breathing Training in Patients With Panic Disorder and Impaired Diaphragmatic Breathing.
Positive effect of abdominal breathing exercise on gastroesophageal reflux disease: a randomized, controlled study
Randomized, controlled trial of breath therapy for patients with chronic low-back pain
Breathing for Lung Cancer Patients.
A meta-analysis suggests that breathing exercises may significantly improve post-operative pulmonary function and quality of life in lung cancer patients.
Normocapnic, hyperpneic breathing helps Spinal Cord Injury.
Normocapnic hyperpnea training for spinal cord injury patients improves respiratory muscle strength and endurance.
TBF Commentary: Hyperpneic breathing refers to breathing at a higher than average level (i.e., increased depth but not necessarily with an increased rate of breathing.) Normocapnic refers to maintaining normal levels of CO2 in the blood. These attributes are precisely the technical basis of our work.
Case Studies
We make no healing claims. The following is a sample of what we have observed in client cases. Read our disclaimer*
- Mental Illness: Female client, 40's, history of Schizophrenia, was able to live without medication by using an intensive Breathwork protocol under the guidance of her psychiatrist.
- Paralysis: A medically confirmed paralyzed diaphragm (i.e., left phrenic hemiplegia) began functioning normally after 60 years at a 3-day Transformational Breath training. The diaphragm is near full strength after completing Transformational Breath training programs and maintenance through personal practice.
- Allergy/IBS: Male, 40, with a long-lived allergy to tree nuts which caused anaphylactic shock and hospitalization upon every occurrence of ingestion, also presented with persistent Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which did not respond to herbs or diet. The client ceased to have allergic or respiratory symptoms after an intense seven-week Transformational Breath protocol with almost daily sessions; accidental ingestion of the nuts several times after therapy caused no reaction. Symptoms of IBS completely disappeared within two weeks.
- Cancer: Female, late twenties, with no drugs, surgery, or radiation. An intense protocol of Transformational Breath in conjunction with a cleaner diet and meditation over several months revealed the malignant tumor in the throat was no longer visible on imaging equipment, and it has not recurred since the early 1980s.
- Non-Epileptic Psychogenic Seizure: A male with a history of head injury and sixteen years of trauma-induced seizures. Seizures completely stopped after twenty full sessions (two per week).
We have researched these cases thoroughly to lend credibility and separate any contributing factors leading to resolution. While anecdotal cases are not a gold standard of scientific proof, they cannot be dismissed either. We have had much success over the years working with conditions such as asthma, digestive issues, stress-relief and panic disorders, mental illness, PTSD, and women with infertility or a history of miscarriage.
We recommend you Experience it for yourself.
*The information ("Content") available on this web site is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or condition. No claims are made by the Transformational Breath Foundation ("TBF") as to specific health benefits. Individuals should consult a qualified health care provider for medical advice. The user assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of the information on this web site. TBF DISCLAIMS ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ANY INFORMATION, PRACTICES, OR SERVICES OBTAINED BASED ON VIEWING THE CONTENT OF THIS SITE. THE CONTENT SHOULD NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING COMPREHENSIVE, ERROR-FREE OR SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. THE CONTENT INCLUDED HEREIN HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED OR APPROVED BY THE FDA.