Dr. Judith Kravitz

Dr. Judith Kravitz

Dr. Judith Kravitz is a pioneer of the breathwork movement. Her healing journey led her to develop Transformational Breath®, a technique that has molded modern breathwork and helped millions of people worldwide since 1977.
Judi is an internationally recognized leader in the field of metaphysics and spirituality. She created the Metaphysical Manifestation Program, which trains people to live their dreams. She has led Course in Miracles groups and breathing programs for children and has worked extensively with women's empowerment.
Judith's passion for sharing her work with love, skill, and intuition has helped people find their voice and power and manifest their desires. For the past thirty-five years, she has traveled extensively and led Transformational Breath Training Programs in many European countries, Asia, The Middle East, and North and South America.
Judi greatly loves her family; she is a nurturing mother to eight and grandmother of twelve. In her words, Transformational Breath is like another child; it was given to her from within to bring into the world. Children grow, and so does Transformational Breath. This is why she consciously chose to establish it as an open technique, continually expanding and evolving. Today Transformational Breath is taught in 54 countries and 12 languages, and Judi's book Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly has been translated into eight languages.
When she's not teaching Transformational Breath® or Manifestation, she enjoys playing tennis,  cooking healthy meals with vegetables grown in her garden, and spending time with her family.
Judi's work has been and continues to be an inspiration to breathwork practitioners worldwide.

Transformational Breath®

Transformational Breath® has been endorsed by well-known integrative medicine experts such as Deepak Chopra MD and Christiane Northrup MD.

It is different from other forms of integrative breathwork or Yogic Pranayama. Dr. Judith Kravitz's unique approach starts the session using Breathing Analysis, a form of trained observation that allows the Facilitators to correlate the breathing pattern with personal issues in life.

It utilizes a full relaxed breath that originates in the lower abdomen and repeats the inhalation and exhalation without pausing and incorporates personal intentions and spiritual practices acceptable to all. The use of other healing modalities such as toning, hands-on, and somatic integration are also unique to Transformational Breath®. 

"I can see how Transformational Breath could benefit everyone."

-- Norman Lear, TV Producer

"I use Transformational Breathing to manage stress."

-- Goldie Hawn, Actress

"I have personally benefited from the gifts Judy brings to Breathwork, and I would highly recommend the benefits of her [Transformational Breath] course for pregnant women and those caring for them."

-- Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of "Women's Bodies" and "Women's Wisdom"

"I am more in the present moment, have an incredible calm center and have moments of spontaneous joy, that come from a different place. Not much stresses me at work anymore and I found myself noticing people's spiritual essence - beyond their personalities, which gives me more compassion for others. I know I will use this gift the rest of my life and am excited to see where it takes me!"

--Diane Lang, New Mexico

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Learn In Person

There are different ways you can start your breathing practice. Facilitated sessions with a certified professional can provide support and guidance as you explore the process. In addition, attending an in-person training event can be a great way to meet other like-minded individuals and join a supportive community.

Whether you learn online or in person, Transformational Breath® can be a powerful tool for personal growth.

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Learn Online

Online courses allow you to learn at your own pace and revisit concepts as needed. You will have access to many resources, including videos, articles, and books. You will also be able to connect with other students worldwide who are also interested in breathwork. This can create a supportive and inspiring community. 

With a bit of time and effort, you will be well on your way to enjoying the many benefits of this powerful breathing technique.

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The information ("Content") available on this web site is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or condition. No claims are made by the Transformational Breath Foundation ("TBF") as to specific health benefits. Individuals should consult a qualified health care provider for medical advice. The user assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of the information on this website. TBF DISCLAIMS ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ANY INFORMATION, PRACTICES, OR SERVICES OBTAINED BASED ON VIEWING THE CONTENT OF THIS SITE. THE CONTENT SHOULD NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING COMPREHENSIVE, ERROR-FREE, OR SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. THE CONTENT INCLUDED HEREIN HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED OR APPROVED BY THE FDA.